Intrapreneurship Program

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We Help You To Turn Internal Ideas into Scalable Solutions

We design custom 12-20 weeks long corporate innovation programs to enable employees become intrapreneurs - creating a new business or venture within the organization.

That business can then become a new section, or department or a subsidiary spin-off.

But how?

  • Fostering cultural change by creating a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship

  • Stimulating the creation of teams of different business units or geographies

  • Creating internal visibility of innovation projects and teams working on new developments

  • Working challenge-based assignments aligned with the overall corporate strategy

  • Hands-on approach on launching new ventures - from customer discovery to go-to-market

The goal of the program for the participants is to learn how to apply an entrepreneurial mindset on how to build, validate, scale or pivot innovation projects.

Sylvia Stojilkovic, Managing Partner

Interested to Hear More? Let's Talk!

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